
Our History

Our History

The historical development of The Public Authority for Minors' Affairs

The Public Authority for Minors' Affairs, an authority with humane objectives and noble mission, was founded on 1939 during the reign of the late Sheikh. Ahmed Aljabir Alsabbah, the Emir of Kuwait at that time, to have custody over Minors who have no trustee or guardian, the incompetents, and the absentees and to safeguard their money and properties. Bellow is the historical development of the Authority from its foundation till now.

The Department of Orphans

It was founded on 21/04/1939 corresponding to the first of Rabi Awwal, 1358 during the reign His Highness Sheikh. Ahmed Aljabir Alsabah. The first director of it was His highness Sheikh. Abdullah Alsalim Alsabbah, the father of Kuwait, one of the titles called by the Kuwaiti people. The objective of the department was to safeguard the money of the orphan who lost his father and did not reach puberty, to invest this money legitimately, to spend on the orphans, and to defend such money before the courts till they reach the legal age and be able to manage their money. The number of orphans at that time was 100 orphan and the number of staff were 2 employees. One of the major features of the department was that it depended basically on the individual communication due to the limited number of the orphans.

The Department of Orphans' Affairs.

On 1959, the first steps were taken to reorganize the procedures of work inside the department when its managers realized that the number of the orphans was increasing and it began to open a specific file for each case.

The Department of Minors' Affairs.

As the word Orphan does not include all the persons whose money needed safeguarding, that is why it was decided to choose another term more in line with reality. Therefore the Deputy Emir his highness Sheikh. Jabber Al-Ahmed Alsabbah issued the law no. 4/74 on 4/2/1974 corresponding to Rabi Awwal the ninth whereby its name was changed to the Department of Minors' Affairs as one of the departments affiliated to the Ministry of Justice. The law expanded the terms of reference to include the custody of all the Kuwaiti incompetents whether because of orphanage and dementia to ensure that it performs its duties, benefits those whom the department has custody over, supervises their affairs, and safeguards their money.

The Public Authority for Minors' Affairs

On March 28th, 1983 corresponding to Jumada II 13th, 1403; during the reign of his highness Sheikh Jabber AlAhmed AlJaber Alsabbah and due to the development that has occurred in the Kuwaiti society during the seventies, and the urgent need to develop the services provided by the department, it has become necessary to change it into a public Authority with legal personality and supplementary budget which is supervised by the Minister of Justice, the Chairman of the Board of the Authority. The law no. 67 of 1983 was passed and stipulated that the Authority shall be in charge of:

  • Custody of Kuwaiti Minors who have no trustees
  • Stewardship over the Kuwaiti incompetents, incapacitated persons, and absentees whom the court has not appointed a trustee to manage their money
  • Supervision of the actions of trustees if the court entrusts it to do so
  • Management of the money of the thirds entrusted on it.

In keeping with the scientific and technological development, the Commission's members considered the need to define competencies, prevent duplication of work and develop departments and departments in accordance with the nature of the activities of the vital body and its future aspirations. The new organizational structure was prepared and issued by Ministerial Decision No. 3 of 1993 on 23/10/1993, For the first time since the inception of the Authority and for its keen interest in developing the funds covered by its sponsorship, it has allocated a sector and has been appointed Deputy Director General to mean the development of funds and the management of real estate, securities and cash resources locally and externally for the benefit of those covered by the Commission.